07 The DCN Leading Companies

On the way to Value Co-Creation
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Leading companies on the way to becoming Digital Champions

project period 2016-2019

Eleven leading companies worked together on the “Enterprise 4.0” project period from 2016 to 2019. Each of the participating companies formulated company-specific use cases that offer monetary or organizational benefits.

The core question was what impact digitalization projects have on business models, the organization of work and on managers as well as employees.

The state of Lower Austria supported this cooperation project. Ecoplus with the Mechatronics Cluster was responsible for the organizational implementation.

Project Period 2020 to Date

The following leading companies are currently working together in the Digital Champions Network

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Enterprise 4.0

Das Vorläufer-Projekt des Digital Champions Network von 2016 bis 2019

Im Rahmen des Projekts Enterprise 4.0 arbeiteten führende Unternehmen mit ausgewählten Universitäten und Fachhochschulen an konkreten Fallbeisielen zu “Industrie 4.0” und nutzten so den “Austrian Way of Digital Success”. Dabei wurde das Dreieck Digitalisierung – Internationalisierung – Enterpreneurship adressiert, um über die rein technische Ebene hinaus gesamtunternehmerische Aspekte in den Blick zu bekommen.

Enterprise 4.0

The precursor project of the Digital Champions Network from 2016 to 2019

As part of the Enterprise 4.0 project, leading companies worked with selected universities and technical colleges on concrete case studies on “Industry 4.0” and thus used the “Austrian Way of Digital Success”. The triangle of digitization – internationalization – entrepreneurship was addressed in order to gain an overview of overall business aspects beyond the purely technical level.